

We produced a new short: Banking On Alternatives: A Look Into the Canadian Banking System, View the Video (you will need Quicktime)

It has been screened at:
- A fundraiser for the Youth Emergency Shelter May 5th at the Fox's Pub in Edmonton.
University of Alberta, March 10, 2005, with Adam Cormier from Vancouver (Fixing Capitalism)
- Our workshop at The Alberta Social Forum (http://www.albertasocialforum.ca), had a modest but energetic audience of about ten people, and there was great feedback from the short video. Calgary Dollars(http://www.calgarydollars.ca) presented along with us, explaining how their community currency works and their plans to expand.
- The March 1st presentation with Deb Abbey, CEO of Real Assets (http://www.realassets.ca/) social investing company, hosted by the University of Alberta's Women's Law Forum also went incredibely well and I was encouraged by the audience response to our short video. I highly recommend checking out Real Assets' work to promote ethical business practices, fair treatment of workers and communities and a healthy environment. Three years ago, a law was passed by the Canadian government allowing shareholders to put forth resolutions to their corporations, and Real Assets has been incredibly busy: Shareholder Action, Responsible Finance for the 5 Major Banks in Canada

Check out the April 2005 update on our work.

Check out the latest Research by members, and the latest Articles of interest (related banking analysis)

Banks put profits before people, FFWD Weekly


A surprising lack of research and exposure has been given to alternative economic and banking models that are being used, that have been used and could be used. The banking system we currently rely on, for most, has not been well defined by its limitations comparably to other systems.

To counter this, work is being done by our working group sponsored by AP!RG, The Alberta Public Interest Research Group. Eventually, our research will be made into a documentary or series. Please see our About section to learn more.